To My Muse


Lull me back

In the meadows of heaven

Where I lost

My chest of wonders

About Rafia

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3 Responses to To My Muse

  1. i do not know why i do not get notifications from your blog.. but i had a feeling you wrote something today so i checked.. and here i see the word muse.. and dance per muse of GOD is in the title of my latest post too per coincidence or synchronicity…

    And yes.. the meadows of heaven are in the eyes of wonder of a child..

    Playing with GOD one ON ONE.. AND never feeling alone.. but ALLONE…:)

    THE TRIP back to the meadows of heaven to gain the treasure chest

    of wonders of heart.. can be a long one as it was for me..

    but once found it is truly HOME AGAIN..:)

    Hope you are doing well.. my friend..


    • Rafiah says:

      We have this saying in urdu, ‘dil ko dil sey raah hoty hae’. It means if one seeks something sincerely, that thing too seeks its seeker then I think this saying explains well the synchronicity or coincidence. 🙂 i love such kind of coincidences. ❤

      • Yes.. i was thinking about you today.. and praying that your studies are going well.. as i always look forward to your words of wisdom from the great country of Pakistan.. as they do warm my soul.. as i truly do not have many friends that i connect to in soul like you.. with GOD.. and i thank GOD for the synchronicity that is you that GOD sends to my life..too… 🙂

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